RONN Inc. (OTC: RONN) Stock On Watchlist After The Recent Development

As another trading week gets into gear, there are a number of stocks that are expected to come onto the radars of investors this morning, and one of those could be the RONN Inc. (OTC:RONN) stock. In a news release on Monday, the company provided a glimpse into its plans for the future, and it could be a good time to take a closer look.

The Announcement

The company announced that it was involved in continued refinement of the meaning of ‘clean and green.’.  To that end, it was noted that the future of hubs would be supported through the addition of as many revenue streams as possible. RONN stated that it had merged hydrogen technology with Bitcoin mining, and as a consequence, the company was helping get rid of the environmental concerns around crypto and helping usher in a sustainable as well as a profitable future for crypto.

Further Information

In the same news release, the company further noted that the future is not only going to be about reducing emissions. It would also be concerned with the discovery of new streams of revenue and help communities get tangible benefits from green technology. It remains to be seen if the stock gets any action today.


+/- EMA(20)0.0004 (-25.00%)
+/- SMA(50)0.0004 (-25.00%)
+/- SMA(200)0.0022 (-86.36%)
5-Day Perf.-40%
1-Month Perf.-40%
3-Month Perf.-57.14%
6-Month Perf.-89.66%
YTD Perf.-50%
1-Year Perf.-96.7%

Pete Matthews

Pete attended the University of Colorado and still calls the centennial state home. He chases trout in the summer and snowboards in the winter. He is fascinated with the markets and has a strong interest in nanocap stocks and crypto currency.